
Telecare is one of the most important branches of HRP Care’s development. Many years of our team’s work resulted in the Novama by HRP system.

Novama by HRP is a system that provides telecare and telemonitoring of the user’s basic vital signs in real time. Individual parameters are sent via the GSM network to a server, where an application is installed to directly monitor and analyse these parameters. Thanks to constant supervision, the Telecentre Operator is able to quickly detect any irregularities and take action to contact the user and verify his/her condition, and call the appropriate services if necessary.

In addition, the user in an emergency situation can call for help by pressing the emergency button and dialling 112.

Regardless of the reaction of the services, a notification of pressing the emergency button is sent to the Call Centre and to the designated Carer (an individual or e.g. a carer from the Social Care Centre) who can also try to help the user. With an IP66 waterproof rating, the product can be used in a variety of weather conditions.